Plant Walk

Filtering by: Plant Walk

Beltane Plant Walk
11:00 AM11:00

Beltane Plant Walk

Date Change! Note, this is now on Saturday, May 11.

Beltane Plant Walk in Prospect Park

Join me for a special plant walk in Prospect Park to celebrate this time of blossoming and fertility.

Bring all you will need to feel comfortable for about 2 hours in the elements. Water, snacks, sunhat are encouraged. There will be tea at the end of the walk, and a simple ritual.

We will meet at the Stranahan statue at the Grand Army Plaza entrance to Prospect Park.

We will walk at an easy pace on mostly even ground. We may traverse some stairways, but I am happy to accommodate and adjust based on attendance.

Please register in advance so I know how much tea to bring!

$33 per person.

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Imbolc Plant Walk
11:00 AM11:00

Imbolc Plant Walk

Join me for a special plant walk in Prospect Park to celebrate this time of growing light.

Bring all you will need to feel comfortable for about 2 hours in the elements. Layers, water, and snacks are encouraged. There will be warm tea at the end of the walk, and a simple ritual.

We will meet at the Stranahan statue at the Grand Army Plaza entrance to Prospect Park.

We will walk at an easy pace on mostly even ground. We may traverse some stairways, but I am happy to accommodate and adjust based on attendance.

Please register in advance so I know how much tea to bring!

$33 per person.

About Imbolc

Imbolc is a cross-quarter holiday—celebrated in the Celtic tradition—that typically falls on February 1 here in the northern hemisphere. Groundhog Day follows close on its heels and has a kindred spirit of anticipation. Both holidays have us contemplating where we stand, at the middle point between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. In our evenly divided calendar, based on the movement of the Earth in relation to the Sun, this date falls between these two celebrations, becoming its own. On the wheel of the year, it falls opposite Lughnasadh or Lammas, the Harvest. In its opposition it represents the time of getting ready to plant seeds, seeds that will become responsive to the increasingly brightening days. The next cross-quarter holiday is Beltane, also known as May Day. This is the time we are also anticipating, the quickening, and the awakening of the sensual that comes with the time of fertility.

We continue to dream in this time of Imbolc, where we are at Midwinter. In some corner of our minds, there is recognition that all is change and there is the inner faith and knowing that the light is returning. There’s a stirring of warmth in the belly, that fire begins to burn brighter. We see it in the skies as day grows into the slowly waning night.

I look forward to see you and sharing the light with you!

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INFUSE Plant Experience - Sunflower
11:00 AM11:00

INFUSE Plant Experience - Sunflower

TWO EVENT DAYS to choose from: Sunday, August 28 and Friday, September 9.

Develop a deeper connection with the healing plants!

Join me in person in Prospect Park for a healing plant walk and in-depth experience with Sunflower.

We begin the workshop with a meditation to connect with the land we are on. Then we will wander through the park seeking these plants related to Sunflower. Along the way we will meet other plant friends.

I’ll share about the medicinal and edible uses of Sunflower, plus the spiritual significance of this plant, including information on their flower essences, mythology, lore, and more.

We will connect with the energy of Sunflower and then journey to deepen our connection with them.

After the class you will receive a comprehensive handout featuring recipes, identification tips, activity suggestions, and much more. You’ll also receive a recording of a meditative journey to connect with the spirit of this plant anytime.

This event takes place on both Sunday August 28 and Friday September 9. You can choose to attend one or both of the events. $44 exchange for each day.

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INFUSE Plant Experience - Bee Balm (Friday)
11:00 AM11:00

INFUSE Plant Experience - Bee Balm (Friday)

Develop a deeper connection with the healing plants!

Join me in person in Prospect Park for a healing plant walk and in-depth experience with Bee Balm.

This category of plants includes those in the Monarda species. Other common names of this plant include Wild Bergamot, Horsemint, Sweet Leaf, and Oswego Tea.

We begin the workshop with a meditation to connect with the land we are on. Then we will wander through the park seeking these beautiful aromatic plants. Along the way we will meet other plant friends.

I’ll share about the medicinal and edible uses of Bee Balm, plus the spiritual significance of these plants, including information on their flower essences, mythology, lore, and more.

We will connect with the energy of these plants and then journey to deepen our connection with them.

After the class you will receive a comprehensive handout featuring recipes, identification tips, activity suggestions, and much more. You’ll also receive a recording of a meditative journey to connect with the spirit of this plant anytime.

This event takes place on both Sunday July 24 and Friday July 29. You can choose to attend one or both of the events. $44 exchange for each day.

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INFUSE Plant Experience - Bee Balm (Sunday)
11:00 AM11:00

INFUSE Plant Experience - Bee Balm (Sunday)

Develop a deeper connection with the healing plants!

Join me in person in Prospect Park for a healing plant walk and in-depth experience with Bee Balm.

This category of plants includes those in the Monarda species. Other common names of this plant include Wild Bergamot, Horsemint, Sweet Leaf, and Oswego Tea.

We begin the workshop with a meditation to connect with the land we are on. Then we will wander through the park seeking these beautiful aromatic plants. Along the way we will meet other plant friends.

I’ll share about the medicinal and edible uses of Bee Balm, plus the spiritual significance of these plants, including information on their flower essences, mythology, lore, and more.

We will connect with the energy of these plants and then journey to deepen our connection with them.

After the class you will receive a comprehensive handout featuring recipes, identification tips, activity suggestions, and much more. You’ll also receive a recording of a meditative journey to connect with the spirit of this plant anytime.

This event takes place on both Sunday July 24 and Friday July 29. You can choose to attend one or both of the events. $44 exchange for each day.

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Edge of Autumn Edible & Medicinal Plant Walk
11:00 AM11:00

Edge of Autumn Edible & Medicinal Plant Walk


At the edge of autumn, golden hues dance with purples and blues. Monarchs flit from bloom to bloom as Milkweed sheds her seed.

An abundance of edibles and medicinals ripen to offer their nourishing gifts to us, to the feathered & furred & creeping & crawling ones.

Join foraging expert Leda Meredith and herbalist Liz Neves for this unique, fun, and informative walk to discover the wild food and herbs that thrive in urban fields and forests.

Here’s what you will learn:

  • how to correctly identify plants

  • ethical harvesting practices

  • historical and current uses for edible and medicinal plants from a variety of cultural perspectives

  • the ways plants communicate their medicine to us

Space is limited.

Pre-registration required.

$40 suggested donation, no one turned away for lack of funds.

Children under 12 admitted free.

Mask-wearing encouraged when distancing is difficult (e.g, on tight paths or when crowding around to look at plants).

We’ll meet at the Grand Army Plaza entrance to Prospect Park.

Copies of Northeast Foraging, The Skillful Forager, and Northeast Medicinal Plants will be available for sale.

Adult education forest shoot 06.jpeg

Leda Meredith is the author of seven books including Northeast Foraging: 120 Wild and Flavorful Edibles from Beach Plum to Wineberries (Timber Press) and The Skillful Forager: Essential Techniques for Responsible Foraging and Making the Most of Your Wild Edibles (Roost Books). A certified ethnobotanist, Leda has been an instructor at the New York Botanical Garden and the Brooklyn Botanic Garden for almost two decades. Currently a nomad beginning to put down roots in Costa Rica, she spent twenty one years in Brooklyn. Leda delights in that moment when a city dweller realizes that nature is not something they have to go on vacation to visit, but what they have been a vital part of all along.


Liz Neves is an herbalist, reiki and healing drum practitioner, dream guide, meditation instructor, and mama living and teaching in Lenapehoking (mainly Brooklyn, NY). She’s the author of Northeast Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest, and Use 111 Wild Herbs for Health and Wellness (Timber Press). Her classes are inspired by herbalism, earth-based spirituality, and ancient wisdom teachings. She has come to this path led by her experiences - of leaving the corporate world, of becoming a mother, of guidance from dreams. Liz believes we learn our greatest lessons directly from the natural world, from dreams, from the plants, and from our own internal guidance.


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Feathers & Flowers: A Bird & Healing Plant Walk
5:30 PM17:30

Feathers & Flowers: A Bird & Healing Plant Walk

Photo: Gabriel Willow

Photo: Gabriel Willow

The Spring Awakening is here! Feathered friends are returning from their winter abodes to nest and nurture their young. Our green community of plants is budding, blooming, leafing, flowering.

Join herbalist and author Liz Neves and urban naturalist Gabriel Willow as they combine their knowledge to lead a unique and exciting walk in Prospect Park.

We’ll explore the interconnected relationship of birds and plants at a peak time in the year, at the convergence of both spring migration and plant emergence.

Space is limited.

Masks and pre-registration required.

$40 per adult. Children 12 and under free.

We’ll meet at the Grand Army Plaza entrance to the park.

Gabriel Willow is a naturalist with a particular passion for birds and urban spaces. He is an environmental educator and ecological tour guide in NYC, where he leads tours and teaches classes for NYC Audubon and Wave Hill. His tours focus on seeking out the overlooked and ignored elements of wildness hiding all around us, ranging from boat trips on the East River, to kayaking on Newtown Creek, to seeking the elusive Peregrine Falcons nesting on skyscrapers near Wall Street. He has created programs for Lincoln Center, the Morgan Library and Museum, the NY Botanical Garden, and more. He is also an artist, illustrator, and DJ.

Liz Neves is an herbalist, reiki and healing drum practitioner, dream guide, meditation instructor, and mama living and teaching in Lenapehoking (mainly Brooklyn, NY). She’s the author of Northeast Medicinal Plants: Identify, Harvest, and Use 111 Wild Herbs for Health and Wellness (Timber Press). Her classes are inspired by herbalism, earth-based spirituality, and ancient wisdom teachings. She has come to this path led by her experiences - of leaving the corporate world, of becoming a mother, of guidance from dreams. Liz believes we learn our greatest lessons directly from the natural world, from dreams, from the plants, and from our own internal guidance.

Photo: Gabriel Willow

Photo: Gabriel Willow

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healing plant walks, fridays
to Nov 1

healing plant walks, fridays

Transform your relationship with the living world, change the way you experience our urban wild spaces. Use all of your senses, beyond the common five, to connect with the healing plant community that thrives all around us. We'll meet at MINKA Brooklyn then stroll through Prospect Park, stopping to sniff the flowers and nibble the leaves. Our time together ends with a cup of herbal tisane and a meditation with the plants.

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healing plant walk & experience - every other friday
to Oct 26

healing plant walk & experience - every other friday

**Final walk of the season is on October 26! Please check the MINKA calendar for updates.**

Every plant has medicine. We all knew this once, yet in only a few generations many of us have forgotten. Fortunately the memory is still there, deep in our bones. Here is an opportunity to remember.

Deeply rooted amidst the layers of built environment, healing plants are thriving. They are waiting to teach us resilience and other important lessons. Join us to learn from these wise teachers, our elders, the plants. 

We’ll begin class at MINKA Brooklyn and head out together to Prospect Park to explore the healing plants that grow all around us. Using all of our senses we’ll experience the plants, and connect with them in meditation. We’ll drink a nourishing infusion, either a plant that is currently growing in the park or one that is in season in our bioregion. In case of inclement weather, we’ll connect with the plants indoors, tasting infusions, looking at specimens, and in meditation.

Investment: $18-33

This workshop will be held rain or shine. If you have any questions, email: liz (dot) neves (at) mac (dot) com


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family plant walk and herbal experience
11:00 AM11:00

family plant walk and herbal experience

A unique learning experience for you and your children! 

Together we'll explore which healing and edible plants are growing right here in Brooklyn! Even as they begin their slumber for the colder days ahead, we can find plants thriving amidst the fallen leaves. As the leaves fall from the trees, we can learn a new way of noticing and learning about them. 

  • Class includes a plant ID walk
  • Holiday-inspired, warm herbal infusion (tea) experience 
  • Nature activities for kids
  • Brief mindfulness meditation
  • Closing circle time of songs

All ages welcome. 

from $20.00
Join Us!
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family plant walk and herbal experience
11:00 AM11:00

family plant walk and herbal experience

A unique learning experience for you and your children! 

Together we'll explore which healing and edible plants are growing right here in Brooklyn! Even as they begin their slumber for the colder days ahead, we can find plants thriving amidst the fallen leaves. As the leaves fall from the trees, we can learn a new way of noticing and learning about them. 

Class includes a plant ID walk, warm herbal infusion (tea) experience, nature activities for kids, brief mindfulness meditation, and closing circle time of songs.

from $20.00
Join Us!
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post election nature connection for sanity and self-care
to Nov 20

post election nature connection for sanity and self-care

Shocked? Dismayed? Angry? Depressed? Whatever your gamut of feelings, they are welcome. Feel them deeply and please join us for connection, self-care, sharing, and community.

I go to nature to be soothed and healed,
and to have my senses put in tune once more. 

~ John Burroughs

We have partnered with Kiki Valentine of Kings County Forest School to provide a two-ish hour long weekend nature walk in Prospect Park -- sans mobile phones or Internet -- that includes witnessing the changing foliage, a quiet and mindful walk in the woods learning about native healing and edible plants along the way, brief meditation, enjoying an herbal beverage, and behaving like children outdoors (with or without our children) to release tension and bring some peace back to our lives during this unprecedented time in history. 

Some childcare support will be available to families. Please RSVP so we can plan accordingly.

Saturday, November 19 at 10am. 

PAY WHAT YOU CAN! Sign up below.

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