plant spirits

Of Will & Wishes - Working with Dandelion Medicine

Everyone knows this weedy wonder.

Many are beginning to wake up to their healing benefits, despite the lawn cultivating culture that deems this plant public enemy #1 and a primary target of poisonous endocrine-disrupting herbicides.

I say, stop the war and let the weeds win.

There’s a big reward in that kind of surrender.

A reward of health, not just because we aren’t poisoning the soil and water (and ourselves) with chemicals, but because of the nutrient density and medicinal properties of many of the weeds.

It’s interesting that on a spiritual and energetic level, Dandelion affects the solar plexus center, the place of identity, will, and action. I say this because, we have the will to shift our relationship with plants we may not see the value of. We have the will to find the beauty and gifts in these plants.

Dandelion is also a plant of wishes. It is a rare individual who has not blown on a fluff of Dandelion seeds to make a wish. My wish is that we all understand the value and wisdom of the wild and weedy ones. Especially those who make decisions about using weed killer or not!

(You might be very happy to learn that NYC Parks Department stopped spraying herbicides, thanks to a group of elementary school kids’ dedication, wishes, and will!)

I’ve written about Dandelion a few times before.

This is one of the plants that I mark the seasons by, that I feel the turning of the wheel of the year with, that I incorporate into my life on a regular basis.

In the following video I’ll share a bit more about this plant’s magical attributes and we’ll go on a journey with them to our inner sun.

Enjoy the video! Please like, share, comment, and all that good stuff.

Breath of Peace Meditation With Pine

When times are tough, I turn to the plants.

They’ve taught me so much over the years.

They are always there to nurture and guide me.

Maybe you’ve found this, too.

Pine has been a great teacher for me.

These wise old beings have been on the planet for at least 150 million years, much longer than us.

They have a presence like no other.

They instill in us a deep sense of acceptance, a profound sense of peace.

In the following meditation, I guide you through a connection journey with Pine, the Tree of Peace.

May you feel and carry the peace of Pine.

Healing Plant Connections - Oak

Each month, I walk with one healing plant.

What does that mean? To walk with a plant?

It means connecting with the spirit of the plant, and getting to know this plant from many angles. It’s becoming familiar with the medicine of the plant through direct experience, spending time with the plant, meditating with them, ingesting them, and doing research on them.

Whether I already know this plant or not, it is always the same. In putting my attention on this one plant I deepen my awareness of them and strengthen my connection with them.

Like developing intimacy with a very good friend.

I share what I discover in all of the courses that I lead, from the Dream Circle to INFUSE.

I also share the wisdom of these plants in the MINKA Self-care Portal, which I highly recommend!

By joining you’ll get exclusive access to workshops and first looks at content that MINKA practitioners share – and there are a lot of great offerings on there, including Breathwork, Yoga, Reiki, Meditation, and more from amazing practitioners.

Last month on the platform, I shared about Oak medicine.

In the following video, you’ll learn about Oak’s connection with:

  • doorways and portals

  • thunder gods

  • druids

  • healing wounds

  • and much more

You’ll also get to journey with the spirit of Oak, the warrior tree of the primeval forest.

I’d love to know how it lands for you. Please share your experience in the comments below or on YouTube.

If you enjoyed this video, you’ll love INFUSE. Each month we walk with one plant, developing our own unique relationship with them through meditation, creative collaboration, ethical wildcrafting, medicine making, and more. Join for the season or for the year.